Dental Implants in Denver & Lakewood, CO

Cosmetic Dentist Serving Lakewood, Denver, Golden & Nearby Colorado

Dental implants are a permanent and reliable way to replace missing teeth and their roots. By preventing the jawbone from shrinking to fill the root gap, implants help preserve your jawline and youthful facial shape.

Scott Greenhalgh, DDS, offers this general dentistry service to transform your smile, enhance your dental health, and improve your quality of life.

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Why Replace a Missing Tooth?

If left untreated, missing teeth can result in serious problems that affect oral health. It’s important to understand the risks you take by not replacing your missing teeth. The consequences are too severe to delay replacing your missing tooth.

Problems Caused by Missing Teeth

A missing tooth can result in the following oral health problems:

  • Other teeth may shift, causing alignment problems that may require orthodontic work.
  • The opposing tooth can drop into the space, placing your jaw and bite out of alignment and creating TMD or TMJ issues.
  • The remaining teeth must shoulder a heavier load, making them more prone to overload fracture.
  • The remaining teeth are prone to gum recession.
  • You may have difficulty chewing.
  • Your jawbone will gradually shrink to fill the gap left by the lost tooth root. This can happen even within one year, and you may need a bone graft to restore your jawline.
  • Your smile will be affected, potentially leading to embarrassment in social situations.
  • The front teeth could spread apart because of the increased pressure on them.
  • If you are missing multiple teeth, there is a correlation with a risk for increased heart disease.

What Should I Do if I Have Missing Teeth?

Dr. Greenhalgh will perform a thorough examination to determine the cause of your tooth loss and to detect any shifting of remaining teeth. He will then recommend an appropriate treatment course to help prevent other teeth loss. He may recommend a night guard to prevent teeth grinding or periodontal treatments to improve gum health.

You should also replace your missing tooth as soon as possible to prevent the development of the problems listed above. Dr. Greenhalgh may recommend dental implants or a dental bridge, depending on your unique oral health issues.

Dental Implant Candidacy

While dental implants are excellent tools for replacing missing teeth, you must undergo a thorough examination to ensure you are a sound candidate for them. This is part of our larger commitment to the health and safety of our patients. Dr. Greenhalgh will never recommend you undergo a procedure that isn’t right for your needs.

An Ideal Candidate for Dental Implants

You must have several basic attributes to get the full advantages of dental implants. Most patients are good candidates for the procedure and can readily accept dental implants.

A dental implant candidate:

  • Has the necessary bone density in their jaws to support the implant roots
  • Is in sound overall health with no active infections
  • Does not suffer from gum disease
  • Has a fully grown, matured jaw
  • Does not grind their teeth (teeth grinding can endanger the integrity of dental implants)
  • Doesn’t smoke
  • Is not pregnant

One of the frequent stumbling blocks is the first item on that list: bone density in the jaw area. Some patients don’t have enough bone material to support an implanted titanium support rod.

However, in many cases, a patient can undergo a bone graft to fortify the jaw and make it strong enough for dental implants. This will add some time to the length of your procedure.

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The Dental Implant Process


The dental implant procedure will result in you receiving a strong, durable replacement tooth that reverses the loss of jawbone density. Dr. Scott Greenhalgh believes in being open and upfront with you about every procedure, which means detailing what you can expect from the process and explaining why it’s particularly lengthy.

The Initial Design

Although we work with a specialist who will place your implant, the implant process starts in our office, and Dr. Greenhalgh will attach your new tooth after the implant has healed.

The initial design or template we create is the most critical part of your dental implant procedure.

We will make impressions of the area and then create a mock-up of the new tooth or teeth.

Using that template, Dr. Greenhalgh will guide the specialist to where he needs the implants to be placed. For this reason, we tell our patients, "DO NOT let anyone put an implant in until the doctor has told them where it should go."

Dr. Greenhalgh regularly utilizes various tools to simulate your new smile after your dental implant procedure. These tools allow you to preview your new smile before any work is done so that you can feel confident that the procedure will produce your desired outcome. They also enable Dr. Greenhalgh to perform your procedure with greater accuracy. By creating a replica of your teeth, he can determine the ideal location for an implant to achieve the finest aesthetic results.

Dr. Greenhalgh may recommend one or more of the following in association with your procedure:

Placing Your Implant

The foundation of your replacement tooth will be a titanium "root," which is the actual implant component. It’ll provide your replacement tooth with the durable base of support it needs.

This support root is also why the implant process takes a while to complete. In an outpatient surgical procedure, we place the titanium implant in your jaw.

The durability of dental implants is partly related to the high-quality materials used in their construction. Titanium is, obviously, quite strong. But the other element at play is the location of your implant. By placing the implant directly in your jaw, our implant dentist ensures it’s firmly entrenched, providing the entire piece of dental work with excellent support.

But your jaw has to integrate the implant. This process, called osseointegration, usually takes three to six months. Once osseointegration is complete, your implant will essentially be a part of your jaw, providing your replacement tooth with a firm structure.

Attaching the New Tooth

Dental Implants Denver

After implant placement, Dr. Greenhalgh stitches your gums closed or places a small titanium cover over the implant root. The specialist will determine the exact implant healing time. Once the initial healing is verified:

  • Dr. Greenhalgh will begin by taking an impression of the implant root.
  • You will be leaving that day with the same cover over the implant.
  • You’ll return to the office in a few weeks for the final fitting. Dr. Greenhalgh will seat the "abutment" post (a small projection on the top of the implant) and tighten it to the implant.
  • Then, he’ll fit a tooth crown over the abutment.
  • This high-quality porcelain crown is custom-made for your specific needs. This means it will be shaped to fit with your surrounding teeth. It will also be tinted so that its color blends in and doesn't draw attention to itself.

This might sound like an extensive process, and it is. But our patients all say it’s worth it to end up with a truly extraordinary tooth replacement.

Implant Tissue Management

There are two components to achieving highly aesthetic results with your dental restoration:

  • The porcelain restoration being placed.
  • The way your gums sit around the restoration.
  • In order to deliver the beautiful outcome you desire, Dr. Greenhalgh must create harmony between these two components. Tissue management refers to the attention paid to your gum line in this process.

Tissue Management Considerations for Dental Implants

The gum tissue around a dental implant acts differently than the gum tissue around the adjacent natural teeth. You need to work with a skilled and experienced cosmetic dentist to address this different type of gum tissue.

After osseointegration (the process where your jawbone fuses to the dental implant) has been completed, Dr. Greenhalgh may use a temporary crown to push the gum tissue up or down so that it will match the appearance of the gum tissue on your adjacent natural teeth. Sometimes, he uses a temporary abutment and crown to steer the shape of the gum tissue.

In other situations, Dr. Greenhalgh may use a soft tissue laser with adjacent gum tissue to create the proper gum line. When appropriate, he may place porcelain veneers or dental crowns on neighboring teeth to support the gums correctly between the teeth.

Special Types Of Dental Implants


You may have many missing teeth or need a bone graft to make up for the lack of bone density in your jaw. These problems could add many months to your dental implant procedure. Fortunately, however, Dr. Greenhalgh offers the innovative new All-On-4™ tooth replacement system.

With All-On-4, Dr. Greenhalgh can replace large numbers of missing teeth in one visit, using only four implants per jawbone.

The All-On-4 Procedure

In a traditional procedure to place dental implants, our Lakewood cosmetic dentist places a titanium support rod in your jawbone. We then wait several months for the implants to integrate into your jaw.

This gives your dental implants great strength and stability, but this procedure requires a strong jawbone with structural integrity. If your jaw lacks the required bone density, you’ll need a bone graft, which takes a long time to integrate fully into the jaw.

With the All-on-4 procedure, we can bypass all of these concerns and those regarding potential discomfort associated with getting dental implants.

The All-on-4 procedure works like this:

  • After evaluating you to ensure you are a good candidate for the All-on-4 procedure and answering your questions, we will begin by planting four titanium support structures in each jawbone. These implants are angled and come with a slight taper; this allows us to place them even if you lack sufficient bone density for dental implants.
  • Then, we connect a dental bridge to the implants, giving you a temporary set of replacement teeth.
  • We will then work with you to develop a permanent prosthetic option.

And that’s it. The process usually takes a day, though sometimes patients must wait a week or so to get their replacement teeth. However, even this pales in comparison to the usual waiting time associated with dental implants.

Dr. Greenhalgh will work with you to determine if the All-On-Four procedure is the appropriate dental implant option for replacing your missing teeth.

Zirconia Abutments

Most dental implant procedures use a titanium abutment. However, due to the thinness of your gums in the lateral tooth region, the silver-colored titanium abutment tends to show through the gum tissue, giving off a gray appearance.

Dr. Greenhalgh recommends using a zirconia abutment when replacing a missing lateral. Zirconia abutments are white-colored and won’t produce a gray tint on your gums.

While zirconia abutments are most commonly used when replacing a lateral tooth, they can also be used on any teeth in the smile zone.

It is not uncommon to be born without a lateral tooth (the tooth located next to your top front tooth). Fortunately, this condition is easily corrected. If you would like to replace a missing lateral tooth,  Dr. Greenhalgh can provide you with the care you need.

Teenagers planning on receiving orthodontic treatment are ideal candidates to replace a missing lateral tooth. Dr. Greenhalgh will work closely with your orthodontist to make sure they keep a gap open for a dental implant. Dr. Greenhalgh has performed this procedure many times, and he’ll make sure the gap is adequate to house the implant.

Zirconia possesses the necessary strength and durability to achieve high-quality results in your dental implant restoration. Your zirconia abutment will be created through a CAD/CAM process; it is computer-designed and computer-milled for customized results. Dr. Greenhalgh has found that zirconia abutments provide similar quality and durability as titanium abutments, with the added benefit of a more aesthetically pleasing restoration.

dental implant consultation - Lakewood dentist


Why Choose Scott Greenhalgh, DDS?

Dr. Scott Greenhalgh has been a trusted name in dentistry since 1989, renowned for his expertise in cosmetic and general dentistry. With over three decades of experience, Dr. Greenhalgh has built a reputation for providing exceptional dental care, utilizing the latest advancements in dental technology. His commitment to excellence is reflected in his active memberships with prestigious organizations like the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the American Dental Association, ensuring he stays updated with the latest developments in the field.

Patients at Dr. Greenhalgh’s practice enjoy a uniquely tailored experience, emphasizing comfort and individual care. The practice uses cutting-edge dental technology and offers a wide array of services, from routine check-ups to complex cosmetic procedures. This comprehensive approach allows patients to receive all necessary dental treatments in one convenient location, making Dr. Greenhalgh’s practice a standout choice for dental care.

Our Patients Speak For Us...

I have been avoiding going to the dentist for about three years. Recently, I needed a root canal and happened to call Dr. Greenhalgh’s office. The entire staff is helpful and friendly. They seem genuinely concerned about my comfort and have helped me deal with my anxiety. Thanks to Dr. Scott Greenhalgh and his team, I was able to have the root canal done, a much-needed crown made, plus other dental work taken care of. I am so thankful that I found Dr. Scott Greenhalgh! - Susan

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

There are many options if you want to avoid the problems associated with a lost tooth. Dental implants are by far the best option for tooth replacement.

Implants offer a number of advantages over traditional teeth replacement options, including:

  • Strength and durability: Dental implants are made from durable materials- namely, porcelain and titanium. And they are placed deep within your jawbone. This means your implants will be exceptionally durable and long-lasting. If you practice sound dental hygiene, your implants can last you for the rest of your life.
  • Jawbone maintenance: One of the most frightening consequences of a lost tooth is the loss of jawbone density that's associated with it. Dental implants stop and reverse that degradation – they're placed in your jaw and slowly integrate with it. By contrast, dentures do nothing to affect the loss of jawbone density.
  • Ease of maintenance: Many tooth replacement options are inconvenient or unpleasant and require significant maintenance. By contrast, dental implants are easy to maintain with simple dental hygiene. If you brush at least twice a day, floss daily, and see your dentist at least twice a year, your implants will serve you well.

Dental implants have a high success rate; patients love them because they look, feel, and perform like natural teeth.

Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants, and Dr. Greenhalgh will thoroughly evaluate your teeth and gums to ensure that you are a viable candidate. But if you are, dental implants almost certainly represent your best option for tooth replacement.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Dental Implant Surgery?

When we talk about recovery from “dental implant surgery,” we’re talking about placing the titanium support roots in your jaw. These take months to fully integrate into your jawbone so that they may provide strong support for the dental crowns placed on top.

As a result, some factors will affect how quickly you can return to work after dental implant surgery. These include:

  • The number of implants. Multiple implants at once will require more extensive recovery.
  • The necessity of a bone graft. If your jawbone doesn’t have the density to support implants and a bone graft is required, recovery time is increased.

If you have the required bone density and only have one implant placed, recovery time shouldn’t be too long.

What Should I Expect After Getting Dental Implants?

Some patients can return to work and their daily routine right after their dental implant procedure. However, most patients will need a day or two to recover.

After the implant surgery, you:

  • Should arrange to have someone drive you home; it’s not safe to drive immediately after receiving anesthesia
  • Might expect some bleeding and swelling in the implant area. This is temporary and doesn’t mean anything is wrong.
  • Will experience some discomfort as the anesthesia wears off. This can usually be treated using an over-the-counter painkiller like Tylenol, though Dr. Greenhalgh might prescribe you stronger medication if he feels it reasonable.
  • Will probably see your temperature rise a few degrees

As a general rule, single-implant placement does not require much of a recovery process if you need to take time off work or your normal routine.

Are There Alternatives to Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the closest a tooth replacement can come to looking, feeling, and functioning like a real tooth; however, no single solution is right for everyone, and you may be wondering about dental implant alternatives, namely dental bridges, and dentures.

Dr. Greenhalgh wants to help you find the best treatment for your missing teeth. If you would benefit most from a dental bridge or denture, Dr. Greenhalgh can provide these restorations.

Dental Bridges

This type of restoration creates a bridge across the space left by your missing tooth. There are several different types of dental bridges, but the most traditional type consists of an artificial tooth supported on either side by a dental crown.

The artificial tooth sits in the space of the missing tooth, and the dental crowns are placed over the surrounding teeth.

If a dental bridge is right for you, some of the benefits of this restoration include:

  • Can replace one or more missing teeth.
  • Dental crowns stabilize and secure the replacement tooth.
  • Can be combined with dental implants for best stabilization.
  • Can be adapted to replace teeth with a supporting natural tooth on one side.


For some patients, dentures are the right option. Dentures offer an affordable way to replace missing teeth. There are full and partial dentures available. Full dentures replace all teeth on the upper or lower dental arch, and partial dentures replace several missing teeth.

Dentures can be a good alternative to dental implants for some people. It is worth noting dentures do have certain disadvantages, which you should consider when choosing the right way to replace teeth. These disadvantages include:

  • May make clicking sounds while you speak.
  • May make it difficult to speak well.
  • Have a tendency to slip out of place.

Dental implants are not associated with these disadvantages because the implant is securely placed beneath your gums. Nonetheless, dentures remain the right choice for some of our patients.

Because each patient is different, we provide dental implants, dental bridges, and dentures at Dr. Greenhalgh's practice. Although we have found that our patients with dental implants are exceedingly satisfied with their tooth replacement choice, your treatment preferences may be different.

Considering your expectations of cost, functionality, comfort, and longevity, Dr. Greenhalgh can help you choose the right treatment option.

Call Dr. Greenhalgh Today

Missing teeth can affect your self-esteem and make everyday tasks like chewing and speaking more challenging. If left untreated, they can cause more serious dental health problems down the road.

Schedule a consultation with Scott Greenhalgh, DDS, to see if dental implants are right for you. Call 303-988-9060 today, and we’ll be happy to book your appointment. You can also click here to send us a consultation request form. Our office serves Denver, Lakewood, and all surrounding areas of Colorado.